Blushable Moments We’ve All Experienced Working Out

1. Bumping into your co-worker absolutely starkers in the locker room.

Antonia Heslop & Ben Armson / BuzzFeed

2. Catching someone’s eye while you’re mid-grunt on the hip abductor machine.

Antonia Heslop & Ben Armson / BuzzFeed

3. Realising you’re not completely clipped in on the spin bike, way, way too late.

Antonia Heslop & Ben Armson / BuzzFeed

4. When the towels at the gym provide way less coverage than you thought.

Antonia Heslop & Ben Armson / BuzzFeed

5. Leaving sweaty butt marks on the bench, and having someone jump onto the equipment before you can wipe it down.

Antonia Heslop & Ben Armson / BuzzFeed

6. Checking your phone on the treadmill and desperately grasping at the safety bar when you almost fall off. In front of everyone.

Antonia Heslop & Ben Armson / BuzzFeed

7. Getting caught flexing your new bicep in the locker room.

Antonia Heslop & Ben Armson / BuzzFeed

8. When your “coordinated” movements always seem to be two steps behind everyone else in the class.

Antonia Heslop & Ben Armson / BuzzFeed

9. Going for a machine at the same time as someone else and having to engage in a polite “no, you go ahead” battle.

Antonia Heslop & Ben Armson / BuzzFeed

10. Looking around a fitness class and realising you’re the only one who’s absolutely red-faced.

Antonia Heslop & Ben Armson / BuzzFeed

11. Getting caught air-drumming when your power song kicks in.

Antonia Heslop & Ben Armson / BuzzFeed

12. When you jump off the elliptical, only to realise your headphones are still plugged in, as it yanks you backwards.

Antonia Heslop & Ben Armson / BuzzFeed

13. Forgetting extremely important items in your gym bag.

Antonia Heslop & Ben Armson / BuzzFeed

14. Realising too late, how close your yoga mat is to your neighbour’s.

Antonia Heslop & Ben Armson / BuzzFeed

So, working out can be really awkward. But don’t worry, we’ve all experienced these blushable moments. Getting fit always has its benefits. Catch the third episode of Margot and Lily and get inspired with the series here:


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