16 “The Simpsons” Questions That Are Impossible To Answer

  1. 1. Would you rather...
    1. Be shot in the stomach with a cannonball
    2. OR open an explosive can of Duff beer?
2. Would you rather...
    1. Live with the Spukler family
    2. OR Live with Patty and Selma?
3. Would you rather...
    1. Via m0.joe.ie
      Have to wear a Muumuu for one entire week each year
    2. OR always have to wear the exact same outfit everyday?
4. Would you rather...
    1. Spend a romantic evening with Hans Moleman
    2. Via zhiv.de
      OR make out with the Crazy Cat Lady?
5. Would you rather...
    1. Only be able to have dreams about Ned Flanders in his ski suit
    2. OR be forced to smile 24/7
6. Would you rather...
    1. Have hair like Homer Simpson
    2. OR have a smile like Mr. Burns?
7. Would you rather...
    1. Be forced to drink the water at Duff Gardens
    2. OR be forced to drink rat’s milk?
8. Would you rather...
    1. Live permanently in the attic with Hugo
    2. OR live permanently in Lisa Simpson’s mini tooth society?
  1. 9. Would you rather...
    1. Have a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg
    2. OR permanently have to wear braces like Lisa’s?
10. Would you rather...
    1. Be forced to eat your beloved pet
    2. OR have Mr. Burns’ head sewn onto your body?
11. Would you rather...
    1. Wrestle a greased up Scotsman
    2. OR get a paddlin’?
12. Would you rather...
    1. Have an overbearing mother like Agnes Skinner
    2. OR spend six months at the dreaded Kamp Krusty?
13. Would you rather...
    1. Have a head made out of doughnut
    2. OR be hit in the face with a rake repeatedly once a week for the rest of your life
14. Would you rather...
    1. Be best friends with Ralph Wiggum
    2. OR be best friends with Neslon Muntz?
15. Would you rather...
    1. Face “The Eliminator”
    2. OR be strapped to a spinning Aeroplane propeller for 10 minutes?
16. Would you rather...
    1. Have a Crayon lodged in your brain forever
    2. OR swallow a jagged metal Krusty-O?


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